URGENT: Health agencies still require e-certificates to issue COVID passports and other medical certificates

Health agencies still require electronic certificates for signing COVID Passports as well as other medical certificates. European health regulations have been changing as progress has been made in the vaccination and immunization of citizens, to be reflected in the technical requirements of COVID passports. One of the requirements was that the Ministries of Health and […]

EADTrust: Agreement with a new partner – How to maximize the efficiency of your system?

EADTrust has managed to reach an agreement with a new partner that offers the solution to certain drawbacks, which allows the incorporation of encrypted and invisible watermarks to the human eye in those documents that require protection, thus maintaining a complete traceability of these files and avoiding possible photos, printouts and even screenshots. Thus, it […]

Garrigues enters the digital trust business with the acquisition of 51% of EAD Trust.

Garrigues has acquired a 51% stake in EAD-Trust, a company specializing in the development of digital trust products and the provision of digital trust services, registered as a Qualified Provider of Electronic Trust Services at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation. In this way, the firm positions itself in a key market such as digital […]

Durable Medium

Let us recall Directive 2002/65/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 September 2002 concerning the distance marketing of consumer financial services and amending Council Directive 90/619/EEC and Directives 97/7/EC and 98/27/EC, which defines “durable medium” as: “Any instrument which enables the consumer to store information addressed personally to him in such […]

Faccil (ENG)

SERVICE DESCRIPTION Invoice editing service in PDF and facturae format with delegated electronic stamp. This application will allow you to edit invoices for printing or use them as a draft electronic invoice. All invoices can be viewed at any time, with the possibility of copying or downloading online. Electronic Stamping Service in XAdES-XL format (or […]